Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Inspired--But Still Lazy

Music has really been inspiring me lately, although, unfortunately, I haven't yet acted on this inspiration. (Mostly because I'm lame, and I cant stop watching awesome TV shows for long enough to do anything creative---so bad, I know) But at least it's been making me feel something, which is more than I can say it has for the past couple of years probably. And this makes me happy.

It also makes me wish that I could just lay on the floor of my room with all the lights off and just listen. All day, every day. Just listen. And absorb. That would be pretty awesome.

So thank you Sufjan, thank you Colour Revolt, thank you Eisley, thank you Miniature Tigers, thank you Band of Horses, and maybe a few others, for continuing to make new music that is beautiful and inspiring and makes me want to live inside of a creepy, eerie, constant music video, maybe eternally wandering through the woods or something. My mind is forever grateful for you all.

From the Mouth of Gabriel. On repeat in my head at all times.


  1. I finished my mixtape for the fall of 2010 (which goes in chronological order, of course)and From the Mouth of Gabriel is definitely the third song!

  2. Now I know this is strange to hear from the mouth of God
    It was something like a scene from mars
    In a struggle between loves and lies

    It always makes me think about paintings of the annunciation.

  3. like this one...

    or....this one....

  4. Definitely! I also like the ones by Perugino and Beccafumi. Basically any one that doesn't feature cherubs. Also, Waterhouse's is nice even though all his paintings look the same. OOH SNAP!!! Nah, I'm kidding.

  5. hahaha....i love me some Perugino! I had never looked at Beccafumi before...his paintings are kind of eerie..i like it.

    and why dont you like the putti?! they just like to hang out! they never did anything to you!


About Me

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I'm a quiet person if you don't know me. But I really have quite a bit to say, actually. I'm silly. I bite my hair. I love stories. I can't really listen to a song I know without singing it. I love laughing. I cry when I laugh.
