Monday, March 29, 2010

Let's Make a Deal(Breaker)

This is my blog about deal-breakers. You know...those things you just know you will never be able to live with, things which you wouldn't want your future significant other to possess. I often discuss these with my cousin, Ashleigh, and now I'm going to put them in writing for the world to see. Some of them silly, some very serious...still deal-breakers either way. This blog will probably get edits from time to time as I encounter different people who may, inadvertently, reveal certain qualities which may, in turn, fall into my deal-breaker category.

And here....we....go!

  • Former cheater - sorry guys. I'm all about second chances, but I think this would make me an extremely paranoid/crazy person. There is a minuscule chance that I may one day make an exception for this, but a very minuscule chance indeed.
  • Not knowing who George Harrison is - I wouldn't consider myself a die-hard Beatles fan, but I'll be damned if I join myself to one who doesn't know them all by name. It really isn't that difficult, people.
  • Bad music taste - sadly, this is actually a deal-breaker. Someone who is not interested in music/has incredibly bad taste in music would probably make for a hard person for me to get to know. This probably goes for books/movies, as some extent.
  • Not down with the fam - If you aren't down with my fam, then I'm not down with you. the end. especially since I have pretty much the awesomest fam.
  • Disney-hater - Nope.
  • Ginger-hater - Come on. I cant enjoy someone who hates on Gingers.
  • Excessive Arrogance - I cant handle arrogant dudes. Get over yourself.
  • Anyone who doesn't play in a band - ..........Bazinga!
  • Anyone who didn't understand the above comment
More to come, people.

laurenthevampireslayer signing off.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Obviously....I am the worst blogger in the history of time. And the only reason that I am writing this blog is because I am completely and utterly bored at work. And that, my friends, is the worst thing you can be. Especially when the the weather is absolutely perfection outside of the window that lies in front of you. I guess someone must have taken my heavy heart and made it light. or maybe not mine....maybe that happened to someone else's heart, which in turn, caused this glorious weather. yeah, cause no one has taken my heart lately...that i know of. Soooo. Errrr. Ummmm..I have laundry to do today. If only I were forced to do laundry at a laundromat. Ive never done that. But if it were so, then maybe an evil villain would fall in love with me and then I would fall in love with his nemesis who doesnt even really care about me and it would spiral downward and end with me dying from explosive shrapnel. Erm. I suppose thats already happened as well. Anyway....I guess the point of this blog is to remember this:

You're the best....AROUND, and nothin's gonna ever keep you down!

laurenthevampireslayer signing off

About Me

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I'm a quiet person if you don't know me. But I really have quite a bit to say, actually. I'm silly. I bite my hair. I love stories. I can't really listen to a song I know without singing it. I love laughing. I cry when I laugh.
