Monday, March 29, 2010

Let's Make a Deal(Breaker)

This is my blog about deal-breakers. You know...those things you just know you will never be able to live with, things which you wouldn't want your future significant other to possess. I often discuss these with my cousin, Ashleigh, and now I'm going to put them in writing for the world to see. Some of them silly, some very serious...still deal-breakers either way. This blog will probably get edits from time to time as I encounter different people who may, inadvertently, reveal certain qualities which may, in turn, fall into my deal-breaker category.

And here....we....go!

  • Former cheater - sorry guys. I'm all about second chances, but I think this would make me an extremely paranoid/crazy person. There is a minuscule chance that I may one day make an exception for this, but a very minuscule chance indeed.
  • Not knowing who George Harrison is - I wouldn't consider myself a die-hard Beatles fan, but I'll be damned if I join myself to one who doesn't know them all by name. It really isn't that difficult, people.
  • Bad music taste - sadly, this is actually a deal-breaker. Someone who is not interested in music/has incredibly bad taste in music would probably make for a hard person for me to get to know. This probably goes for books/movies, as some extent.
  • Not down with the fam - If you aren't down with my fam, then I'm not down with you. the end. especially since I have pretty much the awesomest fam.
  • Disney-hater - Nope.
  • Ginger-hater - Come on. I cant enjoy someone who hates on Gingers.
  • Excessive Arrogance - I cant handle arrogant dudes. Get over yourself.
  • Anyone who doesn't play in a band - ..........Bazinga!
  • Anyone who didn't understand the above comment
More to come, people.

laurenthevampireslayer signing off.

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About Me

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I'm a quiet person if you don't know me. But I really have quite a bit to say, actually. I'm silly. I bite my hair. I love stories. I can't really listen to a song I know without singing it. I love laughing. I cry when I laugh.
