Tuesday, March 19, 2013


One may think that a beautiful warm day would make one never want to leave South Louisiana, but for some reason today's beautiful weather made me extremely excited to move! I'm still very nervous about everything--money, finding a job, finding a place to live, being in the extreme cold :/--but it also makes me very excited! I've never done anything like this and I have always wanted to. It kind of feels similar to the time leading up to my 6-week jaunt in Europe...something I had wanted to do for so many, many years, so it was scary and exciting and quite unbelievable leading up to it. And it was the most amazing experience ever! So...I'm hoping this will be similar. I have been praying so much about this and for the most part I have been feeling really good about it, but there is always that little tinge in the back of my mind reminding me about how many times these types of things have fallen through for me. So I have been having to push very hard at these stupid little tinges, because it is just freaking time to push past all of that and go for it. I just really can't wait to start looking for a job and get some things rolling! If only I can get through April! Oh boring, boring April, how you taunt me!

On another note, I have started counting calories and trying to be a lot healthier so that has been pretty fun! It's so funny how anytime you decide to go on a diet, there are always those several people that make you feel like you are being unhealthy for cutting back so much. I guess people just don't get that you aren't going to lose any weight by just barely watching what you eat. Like, chill out and just let me try to be healthier. Jeesh! But, yeah, I am feeling good! Now let's see if I can lose some weight before Hannah's wedding and Disney! I LOVE THE SPRING!

Ok so there are some feelings and thoughts and leaves that have been floating through my head lately.

I'm a sleepy grandma now, so I'm gonna go read and fall asleep.


laurenthevampireslayer signing off...

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About Me

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I'm a quiet person if you don't know me. But I really have quite a bit to say, actually. I'm silly. I bite my hair. I love stories. I can't really listen to a song I know without singing it. I love laughing. I cry when I laugh.
