Monday, January 30, 2012

Adventure Time at NOLA Comic Con 2012

Well, well, well...

It's come and it's gone...and it was delicious, Mr. Marsters.

I'm just gonna go through some highlights on here. So fasten your seat belts, you guys.

We got to the con super late so we ended up missing the Shatner. Kind of a bummer just because I tend to like all the old dudes that give panels. They are usually pretty funny and entertaining. But we did peek into the very end of his I at least caught a small glimpse. We walked around for a bit...taking in all of the.....massive amounts of people! Yes, it seemed like there were almost double the amount of people that were in attendance last year. It was crazy. And everything seemed a little bit bigger.

The first panel we went to was for Mary McDonnell.
It was a great panel. It was incredibly apparent that she cared very deeply for her fans and for all of her opportunities to meet them and interact with them. She was incredibly sweet and kindhearted. I almost felt like I was in a self help class. Most of the questions that were asked were a little boring, but there were several interesting ones too. She seemed to enjoy the word 'remarkable' very much in this panel.

(crappy photo)

Immediately after this we got in line for the Boondock Saints panel, which we never thought we would get to the end of the line for...and also thought that there was no way that we were getting in. This was the most packed panel of the entire weekend. And goodness. I did not realize how crazy and rambunctious their fans are. The whole thing was just a smidge obnoxious..but it was also just a smidge entertaining as hell. Also, there was a bottle of whiskey that got passed around the room. Needless to say...they all seemed like huge douche bags. They seemed to enjoy the word 'f**k' very much in this panel...and 'Wavy McWaverson.'

After that we just pretty much enjoyed ourselves out and about on the main floor. Looking at interesting things and seeing people in crazy cool costumes and neat stuff like that. I was soon enough forced to talk to Doug Jones, which I was so extremely nervous about. Of course he turned out to be a perfectly charming weirdo who was absolutely easy to talk to and even easier to hug and kiss. Haha. He was one of the really good kind of nuts, and I'm still really upset that they didn't give him a panel or put him on a panel with someone.

We ended the first night with some sushi and much needed sleepytime. I suffered from pretty much the worst headache i have ever had the entire day, but I still managed to enjoy myself as much as I possibly could.

Day 2 was a whole lot more relaxed but maybe even more fun. After buying a super duper print, we wandered over to good ole Kevin Sorbo's table. Ashleigh was dragged over to meet Lou Ferigno by a delightful acquaintance while I awaited my handshake with Hercules. And oh my goodness. Dude has not aged at all. He was an absolute delight to chat with. He seemed like a guy that I would love to have one beer with..and have one simple conversation. I was very happy to see him.

Next up was our old friend James Marsters' panel. It was good as usual, although he added another spoiler to poor Ashleigh's list. (We really need to finish Buffy before next year.) Although his panel wasn't quite as awesome as last was still very fun and he always has good stories and interesting things to say. He seemed to enjoy the word 'delicious' very much in this panel.

(photo was too crappy to even include)

The Walking Dead panel probably should not have happened. The room was even more full than for Stan Lee. And those kids were cute...but seriously...they didn't know enough to warrant an entire panel. 'nuf said. Frak you, Reedus!

I slipped into Adam Baldwin's panel for pretty much all of it, periodically checking that I wouldn't get kicked out of line for Stan Lee. His panel was freaking great! He was funny, kind, and told some really, really great stories! Made me miss Jayne and want to watch Chuck. He seemed like a genuinely good guy. Married with 3 older kids...I was impressed by his overall presence. And he likes Justin Bieber. He seemed to enjoy the phrase 'Sorry, that question doesn't get you a DVD' very much in this panel.

And last, but certainly not least, a good chunk of why comic books got to be what they are today, enabling things like a comic book convention to ever occur...Stan Lee. He was a delightful, funny, conceited old man! His panel was really a good time, and we had pretty sweet seats for this one. I'm still kinda bummed that he didn't really answer the question I asked him..but that is canceled out by the fact that...Stan Lee actually acknowledged a question that i asked and gave me an answer. Pretty cool. He had lots and lots of good stories and he was a grammar nazi, which was pretty funny. He seemed to enjoy the phrase 'I know you all think I'm a genius/brilliant, but...' very much in this panel.

Me getting shut down by Stan Lee

The in-betweens of the day were spent walking around and talking to people and spending way too much money on the types of things that cannot be passed up.

So that's pretty much it. Either you skimmed or stopped reading a long time ago or else have no idea what I have been rambling on about for way too long of a blog...but I had to document my thoughts and comings and goings so I don't ever forget. But then could I?

laurenthevampireslayer signing off...


  1. that picture of you & doug jones will forever make me happy.


    1. I need to frame it and put it next to Spike. It can be my happy shelf.

  2. Video won't play. Make the video play.

    1. do you not have the most recent flashplayer or whatever it is that infests computers and makes them play videos?


About Me

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I'm a quiet person if you don't know me. But I really have quite a bit to say, actually. I'm silly. I bite my hair. I love stories. I can't really listen to a song I know without singing it. I love laughing. I cry when I laugh.
