Forgot to blog yesterday!
My sincerest apologies.
I had a bit of a Game of Thrones-a-thon last night. It was awesome. I am really enjoying the show. It's so fun to see all of the people that I've been reading for hundreds of pages about! And there are some great faces sneaking in at times :) Most everyone looks nothing like I had imagined....but not in a bad way. I do have to say that every thing toward the end is A LOT harder to watch than it was to read about. So that's no fun. I kind of wish I could watch a TV adaptation after every book I read! haha
Yeesh. This week is going to be very fun! And very packed. I can't even say how excited I am to see everyone tomorrow!! I just hope work doesn't drag on for a hundred years! I heard that we were going to have a smaller truck tomorrow instead of a humongous evil one...and then I heard that we were having a huge one again...and then that it was a smaller one! Sooooooooo I have no idea.
Man it's hot outside!
K. Well time for some TV night and then to bed early with me :(
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
So I'm gonna try to fit in a quick book before Liv brings me the second Game of Thrones! I doubt I'll really have time, with family in town and all...but it's worth a shot! It's a shorty. I just love these 1970s covers :D
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Got some good writing done the other day.
Good stuff.
Things are gonna start flying soon.
I hope I'm prepared!
I'm nervous!
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
Good stuff.
Things are gonna start flying soon.
I hope I'm prepared!
I'm nervous!
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
Friday, March 23, 2012
74th Annual Hunger Games {Spoiler Alert}
So I went to see the Hunger Games after work today.
And I must say....I really enjoyed the movie.
I thought it was a great adaptation.
After the whole Twilight debacle, I've come to realize that a great adaptation hinges on....having a great cast. At least, in my opinion, that is the most important thing to capture. Because if the casting is done extremely well, then all of the fans can easily fall back into the world that lived formerly only in their imaginations.
Now, by great cast I mean actors who closely resemble the description of characters who also have chemistry with each other and....well, act well.
And The Hunger Games got right what Twilight failed at so miserably...they got a great cast. And this laid a good foundation for the entire film, in the first place. All of the actors did such an awesome job bringing these characters to life. I was delightfully surprised by Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson who played Gale Hawthorne and Peeta Mellark. They pulled it off pretty darn well. I know Gale wasn't in the movie for very long, but when he was, he acted very similarly to the way that I had envisioned Gale acting. He actually made me like the character a little bit, because I didn't really feel much for him at all in the book. Although, I feel like he should have showed a little more emotion when he was watching Kat during the Games. I don't really have too much to say about Peeta, but I thought he did a swell job, especially when they were at the Captiol leading up to the Games. Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss) was brilliant. I really like her a lot. And I really liked how you could always tell that there seemed to be a lot going on in her head (which we know all too well there was, from the book). And I'm just gonna say great for everyone else (well not everyone). Elizabeth Banks (Effie Trinket), great. Stanley Tucci (Caesar Flickerman), great...even though his fake teeth freaked me out. Wes Bentley(Seneca Crane), great. Willow Shields (Rue), great. Lenny Kravitz (Cinna), pretty good. Amandla Stenberg (Primrose Everdeen), great. Donald Sutherland (President Snow), alright. Oh. And Woody Harrelson (Haymitch Abernathy), just great.
The story seemed to flow well as a movie. There was a bit of a lull, for me, just after they entered the Arena, but that also happened in the book for me. It just got a little boring for a little bit. I liked the small things that were added in about the Capitol, like how they pricked their fingers at the beginning. That added a nice creepy touch. In my opinion, all of the scenes in the Capitol were really neat. Hopefully there is even more of that to come. I kind of wish that they would have included a little bit more with Flavius and Octavia, just so the audience could get a better view of how the Capitol folks think. So hopefully they will do that in the coming flicks. Overall I thought that the movie was good, good, but I can't say that the ending left me wanting more. They could have worked on that a bit. You know. Throw us a bone. Just a little one. But all in all, I say, "Good Form!"
Favorite moment: When Katniss whips around to look at Cinna just before she is lifted into the arena. I just love this. The emotion on her face. Really the whole scene. How you could literally see her shivering the whole time. So good.
My Rating: 4 out of 5 stakes
I'm not very good at writing reviews.....but that won't stop me from writing them! haha
So, in your personal viewing of the film...May the odds be ever in your favor!
laurenthemockingjay signing off...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
I don't really have much to blog about today.
I sowwie.
But I am really excited to go see the Hunger Games tomorrow! Gotta go buy my ticket. 2:20 at PRowe, what what! I am also really, really, really excited that tomorrow is Friday. And then comes Saturday, and time for me to finally sleeeeeeeeeep! Yes!
Oh my gosh. My neck is itching off!
I want Fried Chicken soooooooo bad. But I can't spend any money :( I've been wanting it all week!! Maybe I can convince my mom to buy me some sometime this weekend :)
Wow. I apologize for how empty my brain is right now. I think I have worked too hard this week. Not to mention, I injured myself several times while working today and almost got hit in the face with a metal bar. Ohhhhhh JC Penney. If I die in you, I will never forgive myself!
Ok. I'm gonna go ahead and end your misery of reading this blog! haha
Movie Review coming tomorrow. So don't read my blog until after you've seen it!! Spoiler Alert.
laurenthevampireslayer singing off...
I don't really have much to blog about today.
I sowwie.
But I am really excited to go see the Hunger Games tomorrow! Gotta go buy my ticket. 2:20 at PRowe, what what! I am also really, really, really excited that tomorrow is Friday. And then comes Saturday, and time for me to finally sleeeeeeeeeep! Yes!
Oh my gosh. My neck is itching off!
I want Fried Chicken soooooooo bad. But I can't spend any money :( I've been wanting it all week!! Maybe I can convince my mom to buy me some sometime this weekend :)
Wow. I apologize for how empty my brain is right now. I think I have worked too hard this week. Not to mention, I injured myself several times while working today and almost got hit in the face with a metal bar. Ohhhhhh JC Penney. If I die in you, I will never forgive myself!
Ok. I'm gonna go ahead and end your misery of reading this blog! haha
Movie Review coming tomorrow. So don't read my blog until after you've seen it!! Spoiler Alert.
laurenthevampireslayer singing off...
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Highway to the Danger Zone
If you are interested in following this blog, then you should be aware of several things.
1. I'm a rambler. I ramble on and on about non-relevant things for no reason.
2. I find it necessary to keep the virtual world up-to-date on all of my entertainment endeavors (and, my, they are many).
3. My grammar is atrocious.
4. Even more atrocious---I don't care!
5. Every once in a while I post a low self-esteem once a get over it.
6. These topics will more than likely be discussed or mentioned in almost every post: Doctor Who, Justin Bieber, Game of Thrones, Europe, song quotations, food, The Disney Channel, Disney, Disney World, Buffy, and just television/movies/books in general.
7. I tend to make up words and assume that you understand what I'm talking about.
8. I'm pretty much you're worst cheesy-blog nightmare.
So, come on in.
But at your own risk.
You have been warned.
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
If you are interested in following this blog, then you should be aware of several things.
1. I'm a rambler. I ramble on and on about non-relevant things for no reason.
2. I find it necessary to keep the virtual world up-to-date on all of my entertainment endeavors (and, my, they are many).
3. My grammar is atrocious.
4. Even more atrocious---I don't care!
5. Every once in a while I post a low self-esteem once a get over it.
6. These topics will more than likely be discussed or mentioned in almost every post: Doctor Who, Justin Bieber, Game of Thrones, Europe, song quotations, food, The Disney Channel, Disney, Disney World, Buffy, and just television/movies/books in general.
7. I tend to make up words and assume that you understand what I'm talking about.
8. I'm pretty much you're worst cheesy-blog nightmare.
So, come on in.
But at your own risk.
You have been warned.
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Time Goes by so....Fastly?
I feel like I have been running to keep up with time this week!
It's probably just because I have been getting in bed around 9 so that I can wake up at 4 every morning...but man! It's like I can't fit in all of my little daily rituals even with a super long afternoon!
I'm kind of proud of myself because I actually ate pretty healthy dinners the past couple of nights without even really meaning to! I think I shall award myself with a milkshake. Just a small one....don't judge me!
I have been feeling a lot today that I need to be trusting God a lot more than I am already. I should trust that he will take care of all of my needs and even a couple of my wants every now and then :) But I think I just need to remember to actually believe that He will provide for me, no matter what. He knows the desires of my heart and He is in control of everything that will ever happen to me. I was pondering all of this on my way to the mailbox and I opened it to find my ACT check waiting for me (which was greatly overdue!)! And I actually laughed out loud to myself. Because that money wasn't a surprise or anything. I knew that it was coming and that I would get it eventually, even thought it was very late. But it just really made me feel that God wanted me to know that He was going to work everything out. And that made me smile.
Something else that makes me smile is the fact that I get to see my sister in less than a week! And my wonderful nieces and nephew and brother in law :D And a BFF right after that!
Now I really can't wait to go and finish my hundred pages for the day in GoT....
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
It's probably just because I have been getting in bed around 9 so that I can wake up at 4 every morning...but man! It's like I can't fit in all of my little daily rituals even with a super long afternoon!
I'm kind of proud of myself because I actually ate pretty healthy dinners the past couple of nights without even really meaning to! I think I shall award myself with a milkshake. Just a small one....don't judge me!
I have been feeling a lot today that I need to be trusting God a lot more than I am already. I should trust that he will take care of all of my needs and even a couple of my wants every now and then :) But I think I just need to remember to actually believe that He will provide for me, no matter what. He knows the desires of my heart and He is in control of everything that will ever happen to me. I was pondering all of this on my way to the mailbox and I opened it to find my ACT check waiting for me (which was greatly overdue!)! And I actually laughed out loud to myself. Because that money wasn't a surprise or anything. I knew that it was coming and that I would get it eventually, even thought it was very late. But it just really made me feel that God wanted me to know that He was going to work everything out. And that made me smile.
Something else that makes me smile is the fact that I get to see my sister in less than a week! And my wonderful nieces and nephew and brother in law :D And a BFF right after that!
Now I really can't wait to go and finish my hundred pages for the day in GoT....
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
Monday, March 19, 2012
I Keep Making These "To Do" Lists, But Nothing Gets Crossed Out...
So I remembered what I was supposed to blog about last night.
And it wasn't exciting at all.
It was just that I decided to give up soft drinks for a while! They have been making me feel all yucky-like and I just wasn't feeling it. I'm also interested to see how/or if I feel differently at all. So here goes nothin.
Man. I have nothing goin on this week...but I also have so much going on!
I need to:
Finish Game of Thrones
Finish my current cross-stitching project
Keep plunging ahead on Doctor Who (only one season left to catch up!)
Clean my entire house (It is so incredibly untidy!)
Hopefully hang out with at least two human beings
And I need to write SO BAD
I realize that several of these are entertainment gonna be gone for SIX WEEKS!! I don't want to get too far behind on my happy fun time!
Well...we shall see how many of these babies get checked off...
I shall be sure to let you know how I fare.
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
And it wasn't exciting at all.
It was just that I decided to give up soft drinks for a while! They have been making me feel all yucky-like and I just wasn't feeling it. I'm also interested to see how/or if I feel differently at all. So here goes nothin.
Man. I have nothing goin on this week...but I also have so much going on!
I need to:
Finish Game of Thrones
Finish my current cross-stitching project
Keep plunging ahead on Doctor Who (only one season left to catch up!)
Clean my entire house (It is so incredibly untidy!)
Hopefully hang out with at least two human beings
And I need to write SO BAD
I realize that several of these are entertainment gonna be gone for SIX WEEKS!! I don't want to get too far behind on my happy fun time!
Well...we shall see how many of these babies get checked off...
I shall be sure to let you know how I fare.
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Time for a little episode of what I like to call:
Blogging Before Bed
Love that alliteration.
And yes. I'm going to bed at 9 o'clock. But it's the only way that I will not hate myself while working a 5am-2pm shift. Womp womp womp.
I had to go buy a coffee from the gas station, since my coffee pot is over at Lynn's house...and the first two stores I went to were closed! CVS and Matherne's. Sheesh.
There was something that I wanted to include in my blog and now I can't remember it for the life of me! I specifically remember thinking to myself 'Hey, self, you should write about this in your blog later tonight!' Gosh-that is beyond annoying.
This sucks.
Oh well.
I didn't say it was going to be a very good episode of Blogging Before Bed!
Somebody get me through this week for goodness sake!!
Oh yes, and I did want to mention that I was surprisingly thrilled by Doctor Who for using the correct pronunciation of van Gogh in the episode about Vincent van Gogh. I understand why it is not widely used and honestly I would probably think you were a pretentious prickhole if you pronounced it that way while talking to me...but it is quite nice that they wanted to be accurate about things. Props.
Until next time on B.B.B...
This is
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
Blogging Before Bed
Love that alliteration.
And yes. I'm going to bed at 9 o'clock. But it's the only way that I will not hate myself while working a 5am-2pm shift. Womp womp womp.
I had to go buy a coffee from the gas station, since my coffee pot is over at Lynn's house...and the first two stores I went to were closed! CVS and Matherne's. Sheesh.
There was something that I wanted to include in my blog and now I can't remember it for the life of me! I specifically remember thinking to myself 'Hey, self, you should write about this in your blog later tonight!' Gosh-that is beyond annoying.
This sucks.
Oh well.
I didn't say it was going to be a very good episode of Blogging Before Bed!
Somebody get me through this week for goodness sake!!
Oh yes, and I did want to mention that I was surprisingly thrilled by Doctor Who for using the correct pronunciation of van Gogh in the episode about Vincent van Gogh. I understand why it is not widely used and honestly I would probably think you were a pretentious prickhole if you pronounced it that way while talking to me...but it is quite nice that they wanted to be accurate about things. Props.
Until next time on B.B.B...
This is
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
Saturday, March 17, 2012
We all know that Disney is amazing in almost every way.
But everyone goes through lulls...and they are in one right now. In a BIG way.
The Golden Age of Disney Channel Shows has ended. And it's gonna be a long and bumpy road until they make it there again.
This has forced me to look elsewhere for my teen other words...
I've been watching Nickelodeon.
Weird. I know it.
But...iCarly...Victorious....I just can't stop! And they're on ALL THE TIME!
So I shall keep watching to my heart's content, until Disney kicks it up a notch.
On the real life front:
St. Paddy's day was pretty fun. But it will never be the same without the Villa Crew all together. But I am glad that I didn't break my long running tradition of attending. That would have been upsetting.
In the St. Paddy spirit, I also made some cabbage today! Hooray! And I caught a Leprechan bead at the parade! Hooray!
Let's seeeee.....
Had a great night last night at Radio Bar. Wish they would expand their music library. But my favorite part of the night was dancing to Carly Rae Jepson playing on my iPhone in the parking lot. For sure.
OH. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand.
Holy moley.
I need Counter Culture.
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
But everyone goes through lulls...and they are in one right now. In a BIG way.
The Golden Age of Disney Channel Shows has ended. And it's gonna be a long and bumpy road until they make it there again.
This has forced me to look elsewhere for my teen other words...
I've been watching Nickelodeon.
Weird. I know it.
But...iCarly...Victorious....I just can't stop! And they're on ALL THE TIME!
So I shall keep watching to my heart's content, until Disney kicks it up a notch.
On the real life front:
St. Paddy's day was pretty fun. But it will never be the same without the Villa Crew all together. But I am glad that I didn't break my long running tradition of attending. That would have been upsetting.
In the St. Paddy spirit, I also made some cabbage today! Hooray! And I caught a Leprechan bead at the parade! Hooray!
Let's seeeee.....
Had a great night last night at Radio Bar. Wish they would expand their music library. But my favorite part of the night was dancing to Carly Rae Jepson playing on my iPhone in the parking lot. For sure.
OH. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand.
Holy moley.
I need Counter Culture.
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
Friday, March 16, 2012
I just met you.
And this is crazy.
But here's my number.
So call me, maybe.
St. Paddy's day tomorrow, after all.
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
And this is crazy.
But here's my number.
So call me, maybe.
St. Paddy's day tomorrow, after all.
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
So yeahhhhhhhhhh.....
I forgot to blog.
I have to plug my computer into an ethernet at the house I'm sitting, in order to use it...soooo that doesn't bode too well with keeping up with all things social media-wise!
I just spent way too long deciding which Justin Bieber picture to vote for for his upcoming single. I finally decided to go with this one...after much inward struggle.
And I would just like to say that I chose this one solely upon the fact that it reminded me of Zack Morris at the end of the SbtB episode entitled 'Rockumentary' when his hair is all slicked up real high and he has a ridiculous dangly earring. It was then that I knew...that this must be the single cover. The Zack Attack wills it so.
Jeepers it's hot in my house. I'm hoping the air conditioner gets fixed in a jiff! It seems like air conditioners only like to stop working the week that it starts to swelter outside. What's with them, anyway? I bet they think its reeeealllly funny. Well guess what? I don't.
Ok. Enough nonsense.
Time to go have coffee with one of my high school BFFs, Ms. Amanda Butts!!
I will be back later tonight for a follow-up, since I was such a doofus yesterday.
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
I have to plug my computer into an ethernet at the house I'm sitting, in order to use it...soooo that doesn't bode too well with keeping up with all things social media-wise!
I just spent way too long deciding which Justin Bieber picture to vote for for his upcoming single. I finally decided to go with this one...after much inward struggle.
And I would just like to say that I chose this one solely upon the fact that it reminded me of Zack Morris at the end of the SbtB episode entitled 'Rockumentary' when his hair is all slicked up real high and he has a ridiculous dangly earring. It was then that I knew...that this must be the single cover. The Zack Attack wills it so.
Jeepers it's hot in my house. I'm hoping the air conditioner gets fixed in a jiff! It seems like air conditioners only like to stop working the week that it starts to swelter outside. What's with them, anyway? I bet they think its reeeealllly funny. Well guess what? I don't.
Ok. Enough nonsense.
Time to go have coffee with one of my high school BFFs, Ms. Amanda Butts!!
I will be back later tonight for a follow-up, since I was such a doofus yesterday.
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
Friday, March 9, 2012
Like I said, they're not vampires...
...they're fish from space!
Gosh. I have been struggling a lot these past couple of weeks. Fighting against life. Against the negative thoughts inside my head. There have been some light spots with friends but I have been feeling very bogged down. I'm not really sure why. All I know is that lots of good things are about to happen...but the wait for them is proving to be quite difficult! And a bit overwhelming at times. And I've come to realize how much of a safe haven my little living quarters at my house have become. It's so easy for me to be creative here. It's the place where I intake many awesome and imaginative things and output fun little creative and imaginative things (although not quite as imaginative as the things that I intake, but still). I have a feeling this blog is going to ramble down quite a rabbit trail.
Do you ever wonder which of the things that your heart desires the most will actually end up happening? Like of all the wishes that you really and truly wish for (not just like 'i wish for millions of dollars'), which of them will actually come to pass? Or will none of them? Maybe 'hope for' would be a better phrase than 'wish for' in this context. I guess there are just a lot of uncertainties pertaining to my future and sometimes I just wonder which way the wind is gonna blow. Sometimes I feel like my life hasn't even really begun yet. Or maybe I would just like to think that. ha. I dunno. Obviously I am just suffering from minor brain ramblings, here. I just haven't blogged in a while so I just figured I would translate them to words for the entire 'verse to read instead of keeping them caged up in my brain and giving me an aneurysm.
I guess now would be a good time to let my eyes feast on A Game of Thrones until I pass out completely, book in hand.
A good night to you all.
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
Gosh. I have been struggling a lot these past couple of weeks. Fighting against life. Against the negative thoughts inside my head. There have been some light spots with friends but I have been feeling very bogged down. I'm not really sure why. All I know is that lots of good things are about to happen...but the wait for them is proving to be quite difficult! And a bit overwhelming at times. And I've come to realize how much of a safe haven my little living quarters at my house have become. It's so easy for me to be creative here. It's the place where I intake many awesome and imaginative things and output fun little creative and imaginative things (although not quite as imaginative as the things that I intake, but still). I have a feeling this blog is going to ramble down quite a rabbit trail.
Do you ever wonder which of the things that your heart desires the most will actually end up happening? Like of all the wishes that you really and truly wish for (not just like 'i wish for millions of dollars'), which of them will actually come to pass? Or will none of them? Maybe 'hope for' would be a better phrase than 'wish for' in this context. I guess there are just a lot of uncertainties pertaining to my future and sometimes I just wonder which way the wind is gonna blow. Sometimes I feel like my life hasn't even really begun yet. Or maybe I would just like to think that. ha. I dunno. Obviously I am just suffering from minor brain ramblings, here. I just haven't blogged in a while so I just figured I would translate them to words for the entire 'verse to read instead of keeping them caged up in my brain and giving me an aneurysm.
I guess now would be a good time to let my eyes feast on A Game of Thrones until I pass out completely, book in hand.
A good night to you all.
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...
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- laurenthevampireslayer
- I'm a quiet person if you don't know me. But I really have quite a bit to say, actually. I'm silly. I bite my hair. I love stories. I can't really listen to a song I know without singing it. I love laughing. I cry when I laugh.
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