Sunday, March 18, 2012


Time for a little episode of what I like to call:

Blogging Before Bed

Love that alliteration.

And yes. I'm going to bed at 9 o'clock. But it's the only way that I will not hate myself while working a 5am-2pm shift. Womp womp womp.

I had to go buy a coffee from the gas station, since my coffee pot is over at Lynn's house...and the first two stores I went to were closed! CVS and Matherne's. Sheesh.

There was something that I wanted to include in my blog and now I can't remember it for the life of me!  I specifically remember thinking to myself 'Hey, self, you should write about this in your blog later tonight!' Gosh-that is beyond annoying.


This sucks.

Oh well.
I didn't say it was going to be a very good episode of Blogging Before Bed!

Somebody get me through this week for goodness sake!!

Oh yes, and I did want to mention that I was surprisingly thrilled by Doctor Who for using the correct pronunciation of van Gogh in the episode about Vincent van Gogh. I understand why it is not widely used and honestly I would probably think you were a pretentious prickhole if you pronounced it that way while talking to me...but it is quite nice that they wanted to be accurate about things. Props.

Until next time on B.B.B...

This is
laurenthevampireslayer signing off...

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About Me

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I'm a quiet person if you don't know me. But I really have quite a bit to say, actually. I'm silly. I bite my hair. I love stories. I can't really listen to a song I know without singing it. I love laughing. I cry when I laugh.
