Friday, March 23, 2012

74th Annual Hunger Games {Spoiler Alert}

So I went to see the Hunger Games after work today.

And I must say....I really enjoyed the movie.

I thought it was a great adaptation. 

After the whole Twilight debacle, I've come to realize that a great adaptation hinges on....having a great cast. At least, in my opinion, that is the most important thing to capture. Because if the casting is done extremely well, then all of the fans can easily fall back into the world that lived formerly only in their imaginations. 

Now, by great cast I mean actors who closely resemble the description of characters who also have chemistry with each other and....well, act well.

And The Hunger Games got right what Twilight failed at so miserably...they got a great cast. And this laid a good foundation for the entire film, in the first place. All of the actors did such an awesome job bringing these characters to life. I was delightfully surprised by Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson who played Gale Hawthorne and Peeta Mellark. They pulled it off pretty darn well. I know Gale wasn't in the movie for very long, but when he was, he acted very similarly to the way that I had envisioned Gale acting. He actually made me like the character a little bit, because I didn't really feel much for him at all in the book. Although, I feel like he should have showed a little more emotion when he was watching Kat during the Games. I don't really have too much to say about Peeta, but I thought he did a swell job, especially when they were at the Captiol leading up to the Games. Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss) was brilliant. I really like her a lot. And I really liked how you could always tell that there seemed to be a lot going on in her head (which we know all too well there was, from the book). And I'm just gonna say great for everyone else (well not everyone). Elizabeth Banks (Effie Trinket), great. Stanley Tucci (Caesar Flickerman), great...even though his fake teeth freaked me out. Wes Bentley(Seneca Crane), great. Willow Shields (Rue), great. Lenny Kravitz (Cinna), pretty good. Amandla Stenberg (Primrose Everdeen), great. Donald Sutherland (President Snow), alright. Oh. And Woody Harrelson (Haymitch Abernathy), just great.

The story seemed to flow well as a movie. There was a bit of a lull, for me, just after they entered the Arena, but that also happened in the book for me. It just got a little boring for a little bit. I liked the small things that were added in about the Capitol, like how they pricked their fingers at the beginning. That added a nice creepy touch. In my opinion, all of the scenes in the Capitol were really neat. Hopefully there is even more of that to come. I kind of wish that they would have included a little bit more with Flavius and Octavia, just so the audience could get a better view of how the Capitol folks think. So hopefully they will do that in the coming flicks. Overall I thought that the movie was good, good, but I can't say that the ending left me wanting more. They could have worked on that a bit. You know. Throw us a bone. Just a little one. But all in all, I say, "Good Form!"

Favorite moment: When Katniss whips around to look at Cinna just before she is lifted into the arena. I just love this. The emotion on her face. Really the whole scene. How you could literally see her shivering the whole time. So good.

My Rating:  4 out of 5 stakes

I'm not very good at writing reviews.....but that won't stop me from writing them! haha

So, in your personal viewing of the film...May the odds be ever in your favor!


laurenthemockingjay signing off...


  1. I agree! I thought the casting, overall, was VERY good. I think it was a great movie... but I think having read the stories and knowing all the little details they had to leave out (because they couldn't make it a 15 hour movie) made it feel like I was watching the book. I liked that. Not perfect... but very good!

  2. lauren! you are NOT a shabby movie critic!! at all! i thought your review was spot on. i felt the exact same way as you do. i was extremely impressed with jennifer lawrence. she kicks kristen stewart's ass all OVER the place.

  3. Not to be nitpicky, but I think you mixed up the actresses playing Rue and Prim. Also, I disagree with you about Gale watching the games. I thought it looked like he was trying not to watch too intently because it was just too painful (but that's all opinion, anyway). Otherwise, an excellent review. The casting was beautiful (although, surprisingly enough, I'm not sure if I was as pleased with Mr. Tucci). And your favorite scene was a good one to choose. It felt exactly as panicked as it felt in the book.


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I'm a quiet person if you don't know me. But I really have quite a bit to say, actually. I'm silly. I bite my hair. I love stories. I can't really listen to a song I know without singing it. I love laughing. I cry when I laugh.
