Saturday, March 26, 2011

March Madness

People are maniacs!
Long, messy day today. Thankfully, I love all of the people that work in my little, cramped area! Or else I would probably explode from annoyance! Some people can just be SO rude, both verbally and in the way they COMPLETELY TRASH everything in our entire store like they have never been out of their house before! Get a life, people! Stop digging your holes of debt and go spend time with people you care about...unless you actually NEED something! SHEESH.

Wow....sorry about that, guys! It just comes out sometimes.

In other news....well, actually, there really is no other news. That's kinda sad. Hmmm....let's see....There are so many comics that I want to read!!! Agh! I wish I could just read them all day and all night long! And it sucks because I'm such a collector-type-a person, so of course I want to buy them all as I read them...and them suckers ain't cheap! But I just love to own the things that I love, ya know?

Can't wait to eat some crawfishes tomorrow! I am very excited about this. So incredibly glad that I don't have to work and can go hang out with the bestest people in the world!

Also....I'm obsessed with Angry Birds! It got me!

laurenthevampireslayer signing off...

1 comment:

  1. Ha Nathan is completely obsessed too..and I totally understand about wanting to own things you love..Judah can't understand why I have to OWN cd's when I could just get them on itunes. They just don't understand!


About Me

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I'm a quiet person if you don't know me. But I really have quite a bit to say, actually. I'm silly. I bite my hair. I love stories. I can't really listen to a song I know without singing it. I love laughing. I cry when I laugh.
