Yep. Here I am...waitin til the last minute to do my blogging! It's just more fun that way.
Well, my quest for this day, the Ides of March, was to get rid of this awful, awful cough and to finish Battlestar Galactica. At this point, I may have done one of the two so far, but I probably wont be able to tell until tomorrow. I did get the chance to try a Neti Pot! Great experience...very strange, but great, for sure! Gotta flush those sinuses! On the other hand, I have two episodes of Battlestar left, and I am a little nervous to venture on! One of my friends, whose opinion on entertainment I hold in high esteem, told me that maybe I shouldn't watch the last two episodes. What!? Obviously I cannot do that, just like I cannot not read the Buffy comics even though I'm afraid that I won't like them. I gotta see these things through. Even though they may be mundane, entertainment things, it's still seeing them through, and not quitting on them. Maybe this loyalty will, in turn, bleed into other aspects of my life that are a bit more important than entertainment. One can only hope.
Well I am about to embark on these last two episodes, now. Wish me luck. I guess I will word-vomit my feelings about the series on here tomorrow.
Hopefully this 30 days of blogging that I've committed to won't drive me, or any of you for that matter, nutso :)
I'll end with this quote that I liked from one of the episodes I watched today.
"It may feel like Hell, but sometimes lost is where you need to be. Just because you don't know your direction doesn't mean you don't have one."
Ooooh, I like that quote....